Monday, January 25, 2010


In class we watched a little documentary titled "Revolution OS" which dealt with the controversy of Free Software and the Open Source Movement. Needless to say it wasn't exactly a Michael Moore funded production (hmm.. is that really a bad thing?.. you decide) but it was very insightful. I really disagree with the extremism of the Free Software movement. I mean free software is good but one can't really expect all software to be free. That's just ridiculous... However I pretty much agree with the open source point of view. I think there is definitely money to be made and it has its place in the computer world. I'm not by any means a Bill Gates enthusiast but commercial software makes sense. I believe in a computer world where Free, Open, and Commercial Software can coexist without hateful bickering and pies being thrown in one's face. Literally..

On the topic of Free, Open, and Commercial Software, I take no sides; I make my own.. :D

1 comment:

  1. Honestly that video nearly made me cry.
    Hurray for communism?
    Boo socialism,
    Hurray 'evil' software corporations!
